Ever wondered why so many people are drawn to coffee?
For the coffee addicts out there, having at least one cup of coffee a day is a must. For some, the withdrawal symptoms of missing a cup can be pretty lethal (consider the effects of falling asleep in front of your boss at a meeting). Coffee must be serious business, a testimony of this fact can be shown by the meteoric rise of Starbucks over the past decade (In 2014, the company has recorded a turnover of more than USD 16 billion). The coffee craze has also hit our local shores, as seen in the accelerated growth of cafes in Singapore (the numbers do not seem to be slowing down, in 2015 alone, about 200 new cafes started operations). We are pretty certain that there must be something special about this beverage.
If you would go online to do some research, you will find plenty of materials and results telling you why coffee is such an attraction to many. In the ocean of information available, we would like to throw our two cents worth of opinion into it. Fundamentally, we do believe that the consumption of coffee is a multi sensory experience that creates a certain type of association in many key areas of our lives. Here are some insights we would like to share:
Smell: Aroma of coffee
Undeniably, the aromatic smell of coffee is a form of ‘low cost’ therapy. If you are looking for ways to drive away the Monday blues or to kick start your day with a bang, it’s almost a no-brainer to go for a cuppa. The aroma of coffee seems to carry a ‘feel’ good factor and it creates a positive psychological effect of calmness. Also, we are all aware that caffeine has the effect of perking you up.
A coffee a day keeps your burdens away (well at least until the next cup).
Sight: Charming barista at work and people watching
Watching a barista at work is always a nice scene (no chance of this enjoyment if you get your coffee fix from the Kopi-Tiam). Having a cup of artisan coffee prepared before your eyes makes one ‘feel’ that intricate effort has been poured into preparing the beverage and this translates into greater appreciation. With the additional amount of effort taken to froth the milk and topping it off with a beautiful latte artwork, drinking coffee is truly an enjoyment.
If you visit a regular café, having a quick conversation with your favourite barista on route to work would certainly help you start the day on the right note!
Coffee = Chill
Many of us enjoy chilling out with friends and family over a cup of coffee. Whether you are a busy executive, a mummy with kids or a bubbly teenager, all of us just cannot resist curling up into a couch to relax over coffee. For those who love to people watch, it gives you an additional reason to get your fix!
Bittersweet aftertaste
Some like it white, some like it black. For those who like a little sugar to go with your coffee, the lingering bittersweet aftertaste reminds us of life, a mixture of ups and downs.
Research has shown that when your body gets adjusted to a certain level of caffeine, it craves for more. While this may be true, we surmise that the uniqueness of exotic blends creates an aftertaste that leaves us simply craving for more.
We are pretty sure that some of you guys out there are able to resonate with these observations. The effects and trails of coffee in our lives are largely imprinted through the associations that our minds have created over time.